Sanctuary of Solitude

When your Daring Cheetah fuses
with the Despondent Manatee and the Engaged Dolphin
you experience containment in the Binding force, known as
Grounding your Cheetah Powers:
Diplomatic source of contained potencies
The Nuclei in you is grounded between root and crown.
You are the basket from which new spirits
shall be woven anew
Establish Inner Illumination

When your Determined Wildebeest orchestrates
with the Anxious Thrush and the Composed Bear
you experience disruptions in the Vibrating force, known as
Tapping Wildebeest to heed inner noise
Amplifying that which lies least understood
Held by Sacred Innocence, We call upon the guiding spirit of Cheetah and Wildebeest to lead us as we pay close attention to the arrival of unexpected emotions within.
Enter the Ferus Tel Menagerie

Level One Embodied Quest: sanctuary of solitude Directions
Ask yourself
“What am I not seeing in myself?”
Peruse the FERUS deck while asking this question. When two FERUS make their presence felt, close your eyes and listen to their associated sound tracks. Allow them to take you to an internal space where those two parts of you are having a conversation.
What are they saying to each other?
What were they each doing and saying before the conversation?
What will they do and say after this conversation?
How does this conversation pertain to your life?
Repeat this exercise three separate times over the next few days.
After your third attempt at this exercise, compare your responses regarding the three sets of FERUS you have selected.
What patterns do you perceive? How is it that you tend to get varied unseen parts of yourself to cooperate?
Shashoq’s Quest
Gaga’s Quest